Li, Jia Li (李嘉莉)


Description: Description: Description: jiali-MicroEP






B.S., Theoretical Physics, HeiLongJiang University, China

M.S., Solid State Physics, University of Science & Technology of China

Ph.D., Physics/biophysics, City University of New York, 1999

Post-Doc, Physics/nanobiotech, Harvard University, 1999-2002



1. Introductory Quantum Mechanics by Richard L. Liboff. F 2002 and F2004.
2. Modern Physics by John R. Taylor et al. Fall 2003, S2004, and F2009.

3. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Charles Kittel. Spring 2005, F2005

4. Introduction to Biophysics and Biophysical Techniques-Syllabus PDF Files\Syllabus- (Spring 2006, S2008)

5. Thermal Physics by Daniel V. Schroeder. Spring 2007, S2010, and S2011

6. Classical Electrodynamics (Mathematical Methods for Electromagnetics) by John D. Jackson. Fall 2008

7. Optics by Hecht. Fall 2010



5. 2007--Jiali Li, Derek M. Stein, Gregor M. Schurmann, Gavin M. King, Jene Golovchenko, Daniel Branton, Michael Aziz.  “Solid State Molecular Probe Device” U.S. Patent # 7,258,838.

4. 2006__Jene A. Golovchenko, Derek M. Stein, Jiali Li. “Pulsed Ion Beam Control of Solid State Features.” US patent # 7,118,657

3. 2004__Golovchenko, J.A.; Branton; Daniel; Aziz; Michael J.; Li, Jiali; Stein, Derek; McMullan, Ciaran J. “Control of solid state dimensional features.”  U.S. Patent Number 6,783,643. 

2. 2003__ Daniel Branton, Jene A. Golovchenko, Timothy J. Denison, Derek Stein, and Jiali Li. “Molecular and atomic scale evaluation of biopolymers.”  U.S. Patent Number 6,627,067.

1. 2002__Golovchenko, J.A., D. Branton, D. Stein, C. McMullan, and J. Li.  “Control of solid state dimensional features.”  U.S. Patent Number 6,464,842.

Phone Number: 479-575-7593





University of Arkansas

Description: Description: Description: \\www3\phys$\Li-Web\images\BD21318_1.gif

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