Li Research Group

Description: Description: Description: Description: Web-Nov2008Current Research projects


1. Solid-state nanopore fabrication

1.1 Nanopore fabrication ion beam energy dependence

1.2 Nanopore surface modification

Description: Description: Description: Description: DstProtein1.3 Nanopore thickness modification

2. Single biopolymer characterization and identification

         2.1 Kinetics study of DNA translocation through solid-state nanopores

         2.2 Protein translocation kinetics through nanopores

          3.3 Exploration of Solid-state Nanopore Reading Labeled Linear DNA Sequence

3. Single biopolymer trapping and manipulation


4. Artificial Photosynthesis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           











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Protocols, software, or other information resulting from federal funds available


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This page was last updated November 29, 2006