Zhe-Xue Lu



B.S.  (Wuhan Univ., China, 1996-2000): Chemistry

Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry, Wuhan Univ., China, 2000-2005): surface chemistry/biology, AFM, TiO2 and QDs-TiO2 thin film, DNA and cell damage

Post-Doc (Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 2007-2009): nanopore material synthesis, protein imprinting/recognition, sol-gel chemistry

Post-Doc (Univ. of Arkansas, 2009 ~ present): DNA/protein sequencing with solid-state nanopore

Email address:zxl016@uark.edu, zhexuelu@hotmail.com


Research Interest: nanopore materials, bio-molecule imprinting/recognition, surface chemistry/biology, AFM






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